Applying for a Divorce Order - conditional order and divorce order

To finalise your Divorce, Judicial Separation or Nullity you will need to apply for an "Order". In divorce proceedings this is done in 2 stages.

You will first need to apply for what is called a Conditional Order, previously called a Decree Nisi.

After your partner has returned his or her "Acknowledgment of Service Form" to the court you may then apply for your Conditional Order. You do this by completing a Form D84

The court will send you and your partner a copy of the Conditional Order. You must then wait 6 weeks and 1 day from the date of the Conditional Order. You can then apply to make the order final, the Divorce Order.

This is done by sending a Form D36 to the court.

You will have to pay a court fee or complete a Fees Exemption Form.

You can apply for your divorce using the .GOV online system at

It is important to remember that the new "no fault" divorce rules allow either party to apply for a the first order, Conditional Order. The parties can even apply together for this order. Also, either or both parties can also apply for the final Divorce Order.


Judicial Separation and Nullity Proceedings

Relationships & Family Law